Dressing Gown

Holly: Mummy, I did dip my dressing gown in my wee.
Mummy: Never mind. Just take it off and give it to me for washing.
Rosie: You can borrow mine if you want.
Holly: Thank you.
Rosie: Just don't dip it in your wee.

More bikes

We're getting the hang of bike riding. Though when we tried with no stabilisers, we wanted them on; now of course we want them off.

The highlight of the afternoon, though, was perhaps Holly's deciding that the most discrete place to have a poo was the centre of the bandstand - despite Mummy's attempts to otherwise conceal her...


A few months ago we planted sunflower seeds in the garden - and now the tallest one is 8'4"!

Peter Pan

Today Holly seemed to discover a role model - Peter Pan. We went to the woods on Wimbledon Common and Holly for the first time really led the play, and Rosie played along.


Rosie: "I am Rapunzel, and I live in a very tall tower, with no doors and only one window right at the very top."
Holly: "How did you get in there?"


To which, Rosie: "I stood veeeery still, and they did build the tower all around me."

Alex and Finny

We went to Alex and Finny's house for the weekend, thinking that we no longer had the apparent amoebic dysentery that we had all last week. We are terrible relatives. Both Holly and Rosie woke up on Sunday morning needing to squirt yesterday's supper down the loo, but rather than wake up any adults, Finny looked after them both all by himself! What a star!

For his efforts he caught what we all had and was convulsed with twin ooky fountains all that night. As was Alex. Mummy and Daddy are, quite justifiably, tortured with guilt.


Hmm. Rosie just vomited all the way down the stairs...

Holly's wedding

Today Holly was asking Daddy about Mummy and Daddy's wedding. Then she suddenly said, "I don't want to get married." "Why not, Pickle?" "Because I love you Daddy!"

Ladies that lunch.

Roisin is furthest away and Daisy is nearest.


This is Rosie's guess at a word for an oval.

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