Happy Carriage

Rosie saw a school minibus today with smiley faces on the side and, rather delightedly, called out "Look! A Happy-Carriage!"

Taste Bugs

What Holly calls "the little dots on my tongue that taste things."



Holly's word for thighs.


[Rosie's drawing of Daddy]

Smiley Faces


Getting some air

Daddy: "Shall we go up to the park in a little while?"
Holly: "No. I want to watch the television for a few minutes."
Daddy: "But it might be a good idea to get some air before Gabbie comes..."
Holly: "But I like the air inside our house."


The opposite of tennis

Today we were talking about opposites.

Rosie: "The opposite of sitting down is standing up."
Holly: "The opposite of dark is light."
Rosie: "The opposite of big is little."
Holly: "The opposite of clean is dirty."
Rosie: "Daddy... what's the opposite of tennis?"
Daddy: "Well... some things don't really have an opposite."
Holly: "I have an opposite. It is the opposite of tennis."
Daddy: "Wow. Go on then, what's the opposite of tennis?"
Holly: "Not-Tennis."

Site feed

Holly and Rosie's stuff has gone all 2006 with an Atom feed. The link is under the little animated picture in the sidebar if you know what to do with it, or you can click here...

Mr T

Scene: Holly is standing on the stairs to the loft with Daddy's Mr T keyring, surrounded by photographs she has dropped.

Holly: "Daddy. I was walking down the stairs and all the letters dropped out of my hands."
I pity da fool.
Daddy: "Well, please will you pick them up because they all need to go downstairs."
Don't gimme no backtalk, sucka.
Daddy: "Holly....."
Don't make me mad.
Holly: "But I..."
Daddy: "Holly. Please pick them up now, then you can do whatever you want."
Don't gimme no backtalk sucka.

Don't make me mad...
Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Don't make me mad...

Picking it

Daddy: "Holly, if you pick your lip like that you will make it sore and bleedy."
Holly: "I've been picking it for weeks..."

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