More geometry

Holly suddenly said "I know what you call a rectangle that isn't flat but which comes up off the table. A cuboid." Her knowledge of niche facts is extraordinary.


Rosie just made this.


Holly: "When Granny-Barbara died, did she go in one of those... those.... What are they called? They are like big triangles with a square at the bottom...?"
Daddy: "What - a pyramid?!"
Holly: "Yes! - A PYRAMID!"
Daddy: "Well, no, she wasn't an ancient Egyptian queen."
Holly: "But that's what they did with dead people a long time ago!"

Thus begins a long discussion about digging holes to put dead people in, graveyards, gravestones, and some worried questions about "what makes people dead, Daddy?" and finally "what makes people be alive, Daddy?"


Rosie: "Daddy... How do you make potatoes?"
Daddy: "Well, they grow underground because they are a special sort of root. They are called 'tubers' actually."
Holly: "I know what a tuber is..."
Daddy: "Oh yes...?"
Holly: "Yes, a 'root' normally grows under the ground, but a 'tuber' is a special sort of a root that grows on top of the ground."

Heavens. That taught Daddy.

Steve and Tamsin's Wedding

Spice Girls

Somehow, somewhen, and - frankly - somewhy, Rosie has partially learned Wannabe by the Spice Girls.

"If you wanna be my lather, bip bop bip bop boo."
"If you wanna be my lather, you should have seen da laav."
"If you wanna be my lather, you should have seen the plough."

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