Exercise Bike

Daddy was talking about an exercise bike.
Rosie: "Pippa's Mummy has an extrasize bike. It is ENORMOUS!"

TV Continues to Scare the Cr*p Out of Daddy. Part X.

Rosie: "Dad?! Dad! If you change your car in-sur-ance, you can actually save up to one hundred and FIFTY POUNDS!"


Holly: "I know about hot cross buns."
Daddy: "What's that then?"
Holly: "They are to remind us that Christ died on the cross."
Daddy: "Oooh. So they are quite sad buns really..?"
Holly: "Yes. But they are delicious to eat."

In Rosie's Schoolbag

Being busy

Holly: "I can't do it now because I have too many jobs to do."
Rosie: "But that only takes two whiles!"

Moving House V

Moving House IV

Rosie: "We could bake cakes and put them on a plate we don't want in the kitchen, for all the customers!"

Moving House III

Holly is now drawing a warning sign telling the new people that the house is going to be EMPTY! "Theis hAWs is goig To Be eMT."

Moving House II

Holly is now drawing floor plans. But not with the bunk beds on because that is coming with us.

Moving House I

Daddy just told Holly and Rosie about moving house. We worried they would be confused and anxious about it.

They are not.

Rosie immediately set about drawing up adverts for the house - currently a sign saying "This is how the garden looks like" and Holly is making a "For Sale" sign, and a sign instructing people to stay off the flower beds - "No Pepol Ulawd on the Soul". Also, Holly thinks we should live closer to our new school because the current school walk is too far, and that we should have roses in front of our new house, and hanging baskets. And flowers growing round the door.

Sleepless Night

Holly: "In a minute it will be my nap time because our babies, Baby Annabell and Baby Jesus, were up all night crying."
Rosie: "Yes. And you are God. The Big Invisible Daddy who never dies even if an arrow touches him."


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