Rosie's skill area

We have been in Laser Camp for a week, where we got to do archery, swimming, martial arts, drama, tennis, etc. Today we brought certificates home. Holly's certified that she is a "Karate Princess"!

Rosie asked us to guess what hers said.

Daddy: "Does it say 'Drama Queen'?"
Rosie: "Oh. How did you guess...?!"

Heavy reading

Holly: "In Laura Ingalls' time, they wrote on slates.... I think their stories must have been really heavy."


Rosie was fed up because the games at Laser Camp weren't working: "And that one didn't work, so we went on the next one, and that one didn't work, so we went on the next one, and that one didn't work, so we went on the next one, and that one didn't work, so we went on the next one..."
Holly: "Rosie.... We get the picture."

Learner Drivers

Holly, upon seeing somebody with L-plates on the car:

"I think, that the L on that car means that it is being driven by a Loser."

Caught in the act


Holly's Festival Journal

Found when we unpacked:

Last posts
