Age Restricted

Holly: "Daddy, what does 'age restricted' mean?"
Daddy: "Well, it means if something is too bad for you or nasty or scary then you have to be a certain age to be able to buy it."
Holly: "Like ketchup!"

Holly's poems

Holly just let Daddy read her poem book:

Holly's Mug Design

Holly designed this mug, which is both wise and self-referential.

Anyone can make a joke but... it takes a good joke to make people laugh.

Mischievous faces

Upon hearing "Insane In The Membrane" by Cypress Hill

Holly: "I think... Either they are singing about a female donkey, or they are saying the rude word for bottom."

Speed-reading 2

Holly has now finished all thirteen Lemony Snicket books, averaging about one a day...!

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